Merton Bank Primary School

'Never less than our best'

Merton Bank Primary School, Roper Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 1EJ


 Welcome to Year Three

Caring          Respect          Empathy          Courage         Resilience         

Our Year 3 Team 

Teacher – Miss Ashworth

Teaching Assistants – Mrs Parylo 

Year Three is welcoming and nurturing classroom, where exciting and engaging learning experiences take place. We aim to create an inclusive and nurturing environment, where each child’s unique strengths and interests are valued, respected and supported throughout their learning journey at Merton Bank. Our vision for our classroom, is to foster a love for learning, curiosity and critical thinking skills. We prioritise the mental health and well-being of all pupils. We actively promote positive self-talk, resilience and a growth mindset. Children will be encouraged to embrace challenges, learn from mistakes and develop a positive attitude towards learning. 


This term (Spring 1 ) we have PE every Wednesday and Friday– please ensure that your child attends school on these days in their PE kit.  On these days children must wear the following PE uniform: white polo shirt/ t-shirt, black shorts and trainers/pumps. We expect high standards of PE kits, please contact a staff member if you require any support.


We encourage children to read at home every night to develop good habits and make the best progress.  Every Friday, we will be sending home a list of weekly spelling for your child to practise. We kindly request that you to encourage your child to regularly practise at least three times a week. 

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club is open from 8.15am, School will begin at 8.45am for all children. Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 will enter through the Roper Street entrance.

Collecting your child 

Please collect your child from the school playground which can be accessed from the Roper Street gate. The gate will be open between 3.15 and 3.25pm each day. 

 Learning Overviews 2024-2025:

 MASTER Autumn 2024 picture.pdfDownload
 MASTER Spring 1 - Copy.pdfDownload
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Spring 2 Overview 

Take a look at some of the exciting learning in Year 3 during Spring Term 2025

Geography- Who lives in Antarctica? 

In Geography, we have been learning all about Antarctica, a fascinating and remote region of our planet. For our final lesson, we mapped out our school grounds. Once we had established our map, we crafted detailed written instructions to guide our expedition.

Science- Rocks and Fossils 

This term in science, we delved deep into the fascinating world of rocks. One of our most exciting experiments this term, was creating our very own fossils! We carefully crafted imprints of shells and plants in our own sediment mixture. We discussed how fossils are formed and the incredible knowledge they provide us with about our planet’s past.

Art-Collaborative Textile Piece  

In art, we have been exploring the artist Alaa Awad, an Egyptian artist and Carol Naylor, a textile artist. Our task was to produce a collaborative piece reflecting a beautiful desert landscape.


In Spanish, we have been learning animal nouns. To reinforce our learning, we have practised our Spanish vocabulary through songs, games, and role-play activities. One of the key phrases we have learnt is "Veo un perro en el jardín," which translates to "I can see a dog in the garden."


In writing, our end goal is to produce a 'meeting story' inspired by our model text by Pie Corbett, 'Polly and the Giant Waldo'. To help our understanding of the text, we have been immersing ourselves in the text through various drama activities. Recently, we created a freeze-frame to depict the moment when the giant meets the girl for the first time.

Take a look at some of the exciting learning in Year 3 during Autumn Term 2024

DT-Stone Age Pottery

This term, one of our key curriculum focuses was the Stone Age, which we explored in writing, history and art. We explored different artists and shared our likes and dislikes of their work before crafting our own Stone Age pot, truly immersing ourselves in the wonders of this ancient era. 

Saints Community Development Foundation 

This term, Year 3 have been lucky enough to participate in PE lessons delivered by the Saints Community Development Foundation. The professional coaches have helped the children to develop their skills, teamwork and sportsmanship on the field.  

Design & Technology-Fairy Houses 

In Design Technology, drawing inspiration from our guided reading book 'Billy and the Minpins', we designed and created a fairy house. The key skill we focused on was to add a working circuit to our design. We thoroughly enjoyed this project.  

Art- Christmas Cards

In art, we made Christmas cards inspired by two artists: William Turner and Claude Monet. We screen printed the background to establish a winter scene and added a birch tree.  

Writing- Smok the Dragon 

In writing, we wrote a 'defeating the monster' story with a focus on action. This engaging task allowed us to delve into our creative, drawing inspiration from a model text by Pie Corbett called 'Smok the Dragon'. 

In Year 3, our classroom reflects what we are focusing on. The children are working hard to up levelling their writing, aiming for the highest standards. We are exploring the use of personification, onomatopoeia, repetition, and descriptive language. The children eagerly invite you to explore some of the exceptional pieces they have produce so far.


Take a look at some of the exciting learning in Year 3 during Summer Term 2024

 Y3 Summer Term 1.docxDownload
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Forest School

Every Friday, the children engage in forest school sessions with Mr. Woods. The sessions provide the children with an opportunity to immerse themselves in outdoor exploration and foster their collaborative abilities.


2023-2024 Year 3

Year 3 Trip to Poole's Cavern

Year 3 had an unforgettable trip to Poole's Cavern, diving deep into the history of the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. We explored the history behind the 2-million-year-old cave and uncovered how it has been used throughout history. The children discovered the Stone Age people used caves for shelter during harsh weather and as a storage space. The children were mesmerised by the artefacts dating back to the Stone Age found within the cavern. Additionally, they learnt about stalactites, stalagmites and pillars.