Merton Bank Primary School

'Never less than our best'

Merton Bank Primary School, Roper Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 1EJ



Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children keeping them happy, healthy and safe. 


Here at Merton Bank, we recognise the significant and important role we play in identifying concerns early and providing help for children and their families, to prevent concerns from escalating. 

We have very stringent and rigorous procedures and systems in school that support safeguarding and these are regularly updated with all staff.

If staff or parents / carers have concerns about any child under the age of 18,  they have a duty to inform the Designated Safeguarding Lead:


Mrs J. O’Brien – DSL

or in their absence

Mrs King, Mr Bullough or Mrs Weatherby –  DDSL


The designated DSL and DDSLs are responsible for supporting staff, parents and carers to:

Refer a child if there are concerns about the possible abuse of a child, to the Local Authority, acting as a focal point for everyone to discuss concerns.  Referrals should be made in writing using a professional referral form, following a telephone call to the Contact Centre on 01744 67 67 67.  

Please remember: Anyone can make a referral.

Parent / Carer / Family Member / General Public: Do you need support to make a referral?

Please see our Safeguarding Policy below for further information on how to  make a safeguarding referral to the Local Authority (Pg 16-17, Paragraph 4.10). Anyone whos isn't a professional is expected to raise any concerns about the welfare of a child by contacting the Contact Centre 01744 67 67 67.

You can visit the St. Helens Safeguarding Children Partnership at for advice, guidance and information on how to promote the wellbeing and safeguarding of a child.

Further support can be found on the NSPCC website:

Advice to Parents and Carers on Keeping Children Safe from Abuse and Harm

Important: Anyone (general public or professional) must always call 999 immediately if you feel someone (adult or child) is at immediate risk of danger or harm. 

Speak Out. Stay Safe. - Safeguarding Education for our Children.

The adults around a child should all play a part in keeping our children happy, healthy and safe, but it is also important to educate and empower our children to recognise how to keep themselves safe from all forms of abuse from an early age. At Merton Bank we're passionate about early prevention and education to give our children the knowledge of the world around them as they grow. This is always considered in an age appropriate way and guided by programmes from the NSPCC.  Below is a letter from the NSPCC detailing the Speak Out. Stay Safe programme which Merton Bank like to deliver at least once every year from Reception to Y6.

Information on Speak Out. Stay Safe can also be found at