Young Carers
A Young Carer is someone aged 6-21 who provides regular or ongoing care and emotional support towards a family member who is ill, disabled, has a mental health condition or missuses drugs or alcohol. They often take on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities that would normally be expected of an adult.
We believe every Young Carer should have the same opportunities as other children and young people of a similar age.
Your Young Carers Champion at Merton Bank is Mrs. O' Brien.
Mrs. O' Brien runs a Young Carers Club every other Friday, 2-3pm.
The children say they really enjoy meeting Young Carers from other classes during this time, along with having fun time and chats over a drink and a biscuit (or 2!).
If you think your child may be a Young Carer, you can get further advice and support by contacting Mrs. O' Brien on 01744 22104, or by visiting the Young Carers Website on