Merton Bank Primary School

'Never less than our best'

Merton Bank Primary School, Roper Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 1EJ


Welcome to Year Five

Caring          Respect          Empathy          Courage          Resilience

Our Year 5 Team

Teachers Mrs Richardson 

Teaching Assistant  Mrs Lowe


The Year Five classroom is a warm, fun and welcoming place to be where lots of fast pace, exciting and challenging learning takes place. We aim for all lessons to be interactive, enjoyable, and memorable and the children are encouraged to show independence from the moment they enter the classroom. Year Five pupils are given lots of responsibility and are expected to take ownership of their effort when learning. Class responsibilities, in the form of monitors, are established early on in Year Five – the children love these jobs and fulfil their jobs well. With support from teachers and family at home, the children will work hard on their goals and achieve to their own true potential. Year Five is alive with reading and we take every opportunity to read and thoroughly enjoy our termly texts. Children are supported to grow a love of reading, becoming readers who read for pleasure and purpose. Mental health and well-being are high priority in Year Five so we work hard to support the children to be happy and incorporate lots of humour and class jokes into our time together, wherever we can. We promote positive self-talk and resilience and guide children through any difficulties they face.

Our school day

Doors open 8:45am, registration closes at 8.55am.  Your child must be in school by 8.55am.

The school day ends at 3:15pm

Your child will enter and leave school via the Roper Street Gate entrance.

Safeguarding is high priority at Merton Bank so please understand we may need to check if someone else is picking your child up.  Please always inform the office if someone new is collecting.  Thank you for your understanding with this.

Important things to remember for a successful year ahead:

You may wish to provide a healthy snack for your child to eat at 10:40am playtime. Lunch will be at 12:20pm.

Each child can have their own water bottle on their desk, please provide these with their name on.

PE This term (Spring 1) we have PE every Tuesday and Thursday – please ensure that your child attends school on these days in their PE kit.  On these days children must wear the following PE uniform: white polo shirt/ t-shirt, black shorts and trainers/pumps. We expect high standards of PE kits, please contact one of the team if you require any support.


Autumn Term Learning:

 Year 5 - Autumn 2.pdfDownload
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Spring Term Learning:

 Year 5 - Spring 1.pdfDownload
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Summer Term Learning:

Take a look at some of the exciting learning in Year 5 during Spring Term 2025


During Writing in Autumn term, the children have enjoyed writing sessions packed full of various activities such as Hot seat sessions, drama tasks, Conscience Alley debates and the exploration of story maps to re-tell stories. The children have created excellent pieces of Mystery writing full of suspense and description and written letters of advice for an individual facing a dilemma! Year Five are striving to ensure their writing is packed full of wonderful grammatical features and have enjoyed activities surrounding Metaphors, Similes and Personification to help add an additional ‘spark’ to their writing!


The children have enjoyed a range of activities during our Reading sessions such as drama opportunities, Hot seat tasks and even painting. The Tunnel is a short story that has caused such a buzz in Year 5 this term as it has so many hidden meanings and clues within its words and images. Our Geography topic also encouraged the children to want to learn more about our oceans and it inspired them to create artwork about how our oceans should look!


Year 5 embarked on their first trip from school in January as we travelled to our venue and enjoyed Crucial Crew workshops! Each session was focused around a powerful, safety message which caused a buzz from the children as they discussed potential dangers we are faced with and how we can avoid them. The children were fascinated with a practical activity, which showed them how a current of electricity can pass through the human body!

Forest School

Year 5 thoroughly enjoy Forest school sessions, whatever the weather! They enjoy working as part of a team, problem solving and completing tasks that require them to use natural tools and resources to build structures and representations. The children particularly enjoyed making aerial views of zoo settings, considering the enclosures and what each animal type would need to survive!

Take a look at some of the exciting learning in Year 5 during Autumn Term 2024


Earth and Space is always a firm favourite Science topic withing Year 5 and this year has been no different! The children are challenged to learn lots of facts about space, our solar system and our Sun and moon and used a practical activity to correctly order the planets in order from the sun. The children also learnt all about the eight various moon phases and enjoyed exploring this further by carving Oreo biscuits to represent the sequence. This learning was yummy!



Year Five have had big discussions surrounding anti-bullying and respect sp the children created ‘respect portraits’ and drew somebody that they respected and explained why. We also discussed how respect can be shown in various situations and settings in our every day lives. Year Five were so enthusiastic with the theme of respect that they created a colourful ‘chain of respect’ where each member of the class was given their own link. On this link, each member of Year 5 wrote down how they show respect to others before we connected it into a longer chain of positivity!


The children have kick-started this term with the topic Place Value. This has required them to build upon their prior knowledge as they now work with numbers up to one million! With the use of Place value charts, counters and Base Ten visuals – the children have enjoyed math’s challenges, puzzles and problems and have worked collaboratively together when necessary.





During Computing sessions in Autumn term, the children have learnt all about Binary bits and how data is sent and transferred by computers in our everyday lives. This led Year 5 to think about how Binary coding is used in our homes and in school. The children enjoyed cracking codes in a practical activity but then challenging each other with new numbers to crack! Year 5 also learn about Web Crawlers and that they help us with our searches online and add new websites to a virtual index with key words. To explore this further, the children enjoyed completing a practical scavenger hunt to mimic the job of a Web Crawler!






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