Caring Respect Empathy Courage Resilience
Subject Leader: Mrs Weatherby
Our Intent
The intent of our Primary Mathematics curriculum at Merton Bank is to deliver an engaging, balanced mathematics curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more and understand more. Our aim is to deliver quality teaching that will enable each and every one of our pupils at Merton Bank to become a mathematician, who can confidently apply their skills to everyday situations.
The aims of Maths at Merton Bank are:
- To promote enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning mathematics through practical activity, exploration and discussion;
- To develop logical thinking and reasoning skills through a natural curiosity and investigative approach and the ability to verbalise their reasoning;
- To promote confidence, independence and competence in mathematics and in applying mathematics;
- To develop a thorough knowledge and understanding of numbers and the number system;
- To develop the ability to solve problems through decision-making and reasoning in a range of contexts;
- To develop a practical understanding of the ways in which information is gathered and presented;
- To explore features of shape and space, to develop spatial awareness and develop measuring skills in a range of contexts;
- To know by heart number facts and bonds that are required to be known by heart;
- To understand the importance of mathematical skills in everyday life.
At Merton Bank, our teaching of Mathematics begins in the Early Years, where children are introduced to key mathematical concepts. Practitioners recognise that maths needs to be explicitly taught before pupils can be access it in exploration and discovery within the continuous provision. Carefully chosen stories provide a ‘hook’ for learning in daily Maths meetings, allowing quality maths talk and mathematical thinking to take place. Maths Mastery resources from NCETM and White Rose Maths schemes are used in conjunction with each other to provide a high-quality Early Years Maths curriculum, which is based on the needs of our learners.
Mathematics teaching in KS1 and KS2 builds on the firm foundations set in the Early Years. At Merton Bank, we follow The White Rose Maths schemes of learning, which support a mastery approach to teaching and learning and are consistent with the aims and objectives of the National Curriculum.
At Merton Bank, our teaching of Mathematics follows the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach so that our pupils gain a secure understanding during their learning.
During the concrete stage, pupils have the opportunity to use concrete objects and manipulatives, such as cubes, numicon or counters to help them understand what they are doing.
At the pictorial stage, pupils then build on their concrete experience by using pictorial representations, for example using or drawing a number line, drawing a picture to help solve a problem or using pictorial representations of the concrete materials used previously.
With the foundations firmly laid in the concrete and pictorial stages, pupils are then able to move to an abstract approach using numbers and key concepts with confidence.
The impact of mathematics teaching at Merton Bank is monitored regularly as part of our monitoring cycle. As a school, we are continually committed to raising standards, establishing high expectations, and promoting effective teaching and learning and monitoring is a pivotal part of this process. Evaluating the information gathered from learning walks, book monitoring, pupil voice, staff feedback and maths surgeries enable good practice to be shared and identify where further improvements need to be made.
Assessment can be summative or formative. Both types are used to full benefit at Merton Bank Primary School. Teachers assess on a daily basis, then they use that information to plan the next steps for individuals or groups of children, ensuring that the lessons are pitched at the correct level of challenge. Half termly tests are conducted and analysed; the analysis is then used to narrow any gaps in learning. End of year assessments and RAISEOnline aid analysis and measurement of progress. End of Key Stage tests are conducted in accordance with the latest guidance and requirements. Data is recorded into tracking programs, which is then used for target setting procedures to form the basis for medium and long-term targets for teaching and learning. Assessment is made of all areas of maths: calculation skills, number knowledge and skills, shape and space knowledge, handling data skills and applying mathematics, amongst other facts and knowledge learned.
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