Caring Respect Empathy Courage Resilience
Nurturing the habit of being up and active
PE Subject Leader: Miss Heaton
Whole School Vocabulary Progression
It is our intent at Merton Bank to deliver physical education through a holistic approach to positively develop the children’s’ physical literacy. Through a high-quality teaching and learning sequence we aim to not only develop their physical ability, skills and knowledge within P.E and various sports but to enable the children to become motivated, confident, physically competent and understand the value of choosing to engage in physical activities for life. Whilst engaging in P.E the children are also able to develop their social skills and team work, understanding fairness, being part of a team and equity of play to embed life-long values.
Physical Education Merton Bank is assessed in various different forms: such as objective tracking, subject monitoring, pupil voice and photographic evidence. During lessons, appropriate verbal feedback is given to ensure progress and correct application of skill and technique whilst also allowing the children to self and peer-assess to develop their understanding of success criteria within P.E.
Children will have a wider range of physical ability that they can take and share beyond the school environment. Children will recognise P.E as being a major factor of positive health and well-being and will utilise this understanding to use P.E and sport to have a positive, lasting effect on their life. Our children will become fully rounded characters that are able to demonstrate responsibility and resilience when dealing with challenges and barriers of physical activity and use this to develop qualities such as friendship, equality and determination which will prepare them for living in the wider community.
At Merton Bank Primary School we teach P.E through blocks of lessons which focuses on developing skills in different areas of sport and activity in accordance with the national curriculum. Through fundamental games, invasion games, gymnastics, dance, athletics, OAA, striking and fielding and net and well games children will have the opportunity to:
-Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
-Are physically active for sustained periods of time
-Engage in competitive sports and activities
-Lead healthy, active live
P.E lessons across the school will have a similar structure to ensure a high quality lessons are being delivered to all pupils.
Each lesson will ensure an appropriate warm up/cool down, appropriate fundamental skill (specific to the sport or general across physical education), an activity to further practise that skill and an opportunity to work in group/competitive activity to incorporate a variety of different skills
Towards the end of a block of P.E lessons, children should be starting to use the variety of skills they have required in games, performances and a variety of different physical contexts
In KS2 (Y4, 5 and 6) will complete swimming lessons to practise and develop their safety and confidence in water.
The impact of P.E on the children will be beyond just being physically active within school and being able to apply correct use of skill. Children will have a wider range of physical ability opportunities and skills that they can take and share beyond the school environment. Children will recognise P.E as being a major factor of positive health and well-being and will utilise this understanding to use P.E and sport to have a positive, lasting effect on their life.
Our children will understand that they have the choice and the opportunities to access as much physical activity as they desire and will demonstrate a clear enjoyment and passion when doing so. Through offering engaging, inspiring, challenging and fun lessons and P.E experiences children can believe that they have the opportunity, through P.E, to impact their future for the better, now.
Ball Skills
Invasion Games
Team Building and social and emotional thinking
Striking and Fielding
Yoga and Gymnastics