Merton Bank Primary School

'Never less than our best'

Merton Bank Primary School, Roper Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 1EJ


Welcome to Year 4 

Caring          Respect          Empathy          Courage          Resilience 

Our Year 4 Team

Teacher - Miss Norton

Teaching Assistant - Miss Ranson

 Our dedicated team is committed to providing a learning environment that promotes respect, responsibility, and independence. We understand the significance of nurturing each child's well-being while fostering a modern, friendly atmosphere.

We believe in creating a caring and inclusive atmosphere where every child feels valued and respected. Our goal is to equip them with the necessary skills to become responsible and independent learners. In Year 4, we aim to ignite a passion for learning and encourage critical thinking.

Our approach to teaching and learning is rooted in promoting a modern and dynamic educational experience, ensuring that our children are well-prepared for the challenges of the 21st century. We prioritise the holistic development of each child in Year 4, reinforcing the importance of emotional and social well-being alongside academic progress.

Moreover, our friendly and approachable team are dedicated to fostering a positive and supportive relationship with both the children and their families. We believe that a strong partnership between home and school is essential for the overall development of every child.

We look forward to nurturing and guiding your child on their educational journey, and we are committed to ensuring that they thrive in our Year 4 class!

Times of the school day

Doors open 8:45am, registration closes at 8.55am.  Your child must be in school by 8.55am.

The school day ends at 3:15pm

Your child will enter and leave school via the Roper Street Gate entrance.

Safeguarding is high priority at Merton Bank so please understand we may need to check if someone else is picking your child up.  Please always inform the office if someone new is collecting.  Thank you for your understanding with this.


This term our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure that your child attends school on Monday in their PE kit, and in their school uniform on Wednesday with their swimming kit and towel in a bag.  On Monday children must wear the following PE uniform: white polo shirt/ t-shirt, black shorts and trainers/pumps. We expect high standards of PE kits, please contact one of the team if you require any support.

Spring Term Learning:


In Year 4, we learn to play the ukulele every Tuesday with Mr Garner!

Learning to play an instrument is a valuable and enriching experience that stimulates the brain and provides numerous cognitive and emotional benefits. The ukulele, a versatile and accessible instrument, offers a unique opportunity for our children to develop essential skills while discovering the joy of music.

Studies have shown that engaging in music education improves cognitive functions such as memory and abstract reasoning, which are crucial for success in subjects like mathematics and science. Playing the ukulele also fosters skills in leadership and team-building, as our children learn to collaborate and communicate effectively in group settings. Moreover, it instils a deep appreciation for the rewards of working with others towards a common goal.

Embracing music as a regular part of life has the added benefit of promoting emotional well-being. Music has the power to soothe the mind and keep individuals calm, helping them navigate through the challenges of everyday life. In addition, mastering a musical instrument, such as the ukulele, instils a sense of pride and achievement, boosting confidence and self-esteem.

Furthermore, the process of learning to play the ukulele encourages individuals to express themselves creatively, fostering a deep sense of self-awareness and confidence. It also requires the use of both sides of the brain, enhancing memory power and cognitive abilities.

Multiplication tables check (MTC)

Learning times tables is a crucial skill for every child in their mathematical journey. That's why, every week, we dedicate time to practising and mastering our times tables. By using fun and interactive tools like TT Rockstars on the iPad, we make learning times tables enjoyable and effective. The regular practice helps children to build fluency and confidence in their numerical abilities.

The weekly times tables practice is not just about assessment, but also about identifying areas of improvement and providing individualised support to each child in Year 4. By consistently revisiting and reinforcing times tables, we ensure that children have a solid foundation for tackling more complex mathematical concepts in the future.

With dedication and regular practice, our children are able to develop a deep understanding of multiplication and division, setting them up for success in their academic pursuits. So, let's rock those times tables and conquer the world of maths!

Take a look at some of the exciting learning in Year 4 during Spring term 2025

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Coding, Programming and Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Computing has become an integral part of the modern society, permeating nearly every aspect of our lives. In our classroom, it plays a vital role in preparing students for the digital age.

One valuable aspect of computing education is the incorporation of software and tools such as Tinkercad and Computer-Aided Design (CAD). These tools provide our children with opportunities to develop their creative thinking and problem-solving skills through hands-on experiences. By designing and creating their own virtual models, our children gain practical knowledge in a stimulating and ambitious environment.

Coding, another crucial component of computing education, empowers our children to become creators rather than mere consumers of technology. Platforms like Scratch, which is widely used across Merton Bank, enables students to design and code their own interactive stories, games, and animations. This fosters critical thinking, logical reasoning, and collaboration.

Furthermore, computing education encourages our children to explore computational thinking, which involves breaking down complex problems into logical steps and building algorithms to solve them. These skills are not only essential for computer science but also transferable to other subjects and real-life situations.

The inclusion of computing in the classroom offers our children an invaluable opportunity to develop essential skills for the digital world. Through the use of tools like Tinkercad, CAD, ambitious coding projects, and platforms like Scratch, our children become active participants in the digital landscape, equipped with the expertise to thrive in an increasingly technology-driven society.

Stuart Davis and BrendanJamison inspired creations

This half term, we are learning about multi-media collage which involves photography, photo editing, using a range of materials to create an art piece and block screen printing.

Art plays a vital role in the educational journey of our children in the classroom. It provides a platform to engage with creativity and self-expression, allowing young minds to explore and communicate ideas in a unique way.

One influential artist who showcases the significance of art in our classroom is Stuart Davis. By studying artists like Davis, our children develop critical thinking skills and learn to appreciate the diverse perspectives that art offers.

Within the art curriculum, concepts such as tone, shading, and sketching are taught. These techniques enhance observational skills and attention to detail. Our children learn to appreciate the use of contrasting light and dark tones, offering depth and realism to their artwork.

Implementing art in the classroom not only enhances creativity and self-expression, but also fosters skills such as problem-solving, resilience, and innovation. It provides a holistic education that caters to the diverse needs and talents of students.


This half term, our Talk For Writing topic is to be able to write a warning tale while focusing on building suspense. Our model text is called 'The Railway Tracks'. The children will use this model text to imitate the structure of the story and they will change details to make the story their own. This process will support them when they come to write their own independent warning tale at the end of the topic.

Moreover, our emphasis on spelling, punctuation, and grammar has significantly enhanced our writing skills. By honing these essential aspects of language, we have been able to craft more articulate and coherent pieces of writing.

In order to further enrich the writing process, we have incorporated a range of drama activities into our curriculum. These activities have not only stimulated our creativity but have also provided us with valuable tools for planning and structuring our writing effectively.



In science this half term year 4 have been learning about how sound travels through different mediums. We have completed experiments to explore how sound travels through different mediums. The children enjoyed participating in these mini experiments to deepen their understanding of how this happens.


coming soon...


In PSHE this half term, year 4 have been leaning about how they can manage their feelings. We have discussed different emotions that they may feel and catagorised them into comfortable feelings and uncomfortable feelings. We have learned about different ways to regulate these emotions and how to express them to others in a positive way.


coming soon...